A super cool animated video based (in part) on our recent paper.
New slides for #ATBC14 talk on the scaling of phylogenetic and functional difference
Some thoughts on the scaling of phylogenetic and functional difference:Slides from my recent ATBC talk are now available here. I am using a sort of experimental markdown-to-html slide generator, so if it doesn’t work in your browser please let me
One event shifted the likelihood of evolving symbiotic N-fixing
For the whole analysis see Werner et al. (2014)
What we (don’t) know about global functional diversity
Blog post on reproducibility at ROpenSci
Some extended thoughts on reproducibility tools over at Ropensci. Feel free to read and comment over there.
New special issue of journal of ecology
A new visualization of our 32,000 taxa plant tree
For the science behind the tree see Zanne et al. 2014.
Book chapter on phylogenetic diversity