Epacris microphylla with a carpenter bee (Xylocopa (?))

The threatened anemone buttercup. Flowering last summer behind a remnant bit of snow up in the Australian alps. #ranunculus anemoneus #ranunculaceae
#australiannative #australiannativeplants #australianflora #flowers #flora #wildflowers #botany #ecology #nature #naturephotography #macro #macrophotography #bokeh #bokehlicious #flowers #flowerphotography #flowerstagram #plants #plantstagram #sydney #nsw #australia #nswnationalparks @nswnationalparks #threatened #threatenedspecies

Lay down in a bed of bluebells? Check. #wahlenbergia ceracea #campanulaceae [Jan 19]
#australiannative #australiannativeplants #australianflora #flowers #flora #wildflowers #botany #ecology #nature #naturephotography #macro #macrophotography #bokeh #bokehlicious #flowers #flowerphotography #flowerstagram #plants #plantstagram #sydney #nsw #australia #nswnationalparks @nswnationalparks

Like cherry blossoms on the ground. A small little patch between some rocks up in the Alps. #neopaxia australasica #portulacaceae
#australiannative #australiannativeplants #australianflora #flowers #flora #wildflowers #botany #ecology #nature #naturephotography #macro #macrophotography #bokeh #bokehlicious #flowers #flowerphotography #flowerstagram #plants #plantstagram #sydney #nsw #australia #nswnationalparks @nswnationalparks

The golden hour painted everything gold. Not that these everlastings needed it. Great thing about quiet country roads are the opportunities to just pull to the side and admire the plants β˜€πŸŒ» #xerochrysum subundulatum #asteraceae
#australiannative #australiannativeplants #australianflora #flowers #flora #wildflowers #botany #ecology #nature #naturephotography #macro #macrophotography #bokeh #bokehlicious #flowers #flowerphotography #flowerstagram #plants #plantstagram #sydney #nsw #australia #nswnationalparks @nswnationalparks

Took me by surprise just how colourful the Australian Alps are during the summer. There were pops of white, yellow, blue (my favourite), and unexpectedly, this rich fuchsia. From my trip with @alpine_flora_of_australia and @zeebachi. #stylidium montana #stylidiaceae
#australiannative #australiannativeplants #australianflora #flowers #flora #wildflowers #botany #ecology #nature #naturephotography #macro #macrophotography #bokeh #bokehlicious #flowers #flowerphotography #flowerstagram #plants #plantstagram #sydney #nsw #australia #nswnationalparks @nswnationalparks

A first for me. Check out those curly wurly leaves! πŸŒ€πŸƒ #conospermum tenuifolium #proteaceae
#australiannative #australiannativeplants #australianflora #flowers #flora #wildflowers #botany #ecology #nature #naturephotography #macro #macrophotography #bokeh #bokehlicious #flowers #flowerphotography #flowerstagram #plants #plantstagram #sydney #nsw #australia #nswnationalparks @nswnationalparks

Brain-drained from #esaus2018. But inspired to get some good writing done! Hello summer! #pultenaea daphnoides #fabaceae
#australiannative #australiannativeplants #australianflora #flowers #flora #wildflowers #botany #ecology #nature #naturephotography #macro #macrophotography #bokeh #bokehlicious #flowers #flowerphotography #flowerstagram #plants #plantstagram #sydney #nsw #australia #nswnationalparks @nswnationalparks

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